Evolutionary Lab


The main goal of the Evolutionary Psychology Lab is applying evolutionary perspectives to understanding social fenomena. Recent projects concern moderators of sexual motives in cross-sex friendships, social consequences of pathogen-avoidance motives, as well as the signaling role of women's creativity. We aim to promote evolutionary thinking by highlighting its relevance to understanding human psychology and behavior.




Lab Head: Natalia Frankowska, PhD

Location: SWPS University in Sopot, 3.8

Currently, we work on:

  • IP Internal Grant “The role of behavioral immune system in shaping preferences for similarity to the ingroup members in potential mates.”, (2024-current), (PI: Tołopiło, A.; Co-investigators: Frankowska, N., Olszanowski, M., & Szymków, A.) financed by funds allocated to USWPS as part of the subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).

  • IP Internal Grant “The effect of mating-related and threatening situational contexts on makeup use in women.”, (2023-current), (PI: Szymków, A.; Co-investigators: Biesiadecka, M., Frankowska, N. & Gałasińska, K.) financed by funds allocated to USWPS as part of the subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).

  • IP Internal Grant “Behavioral Immune System and Prosocial Behaviors: the moderating role of type of help, a sign of disease, and kinship between the helper and the recipient of help in pursuing the pathogen avoidance motive.”, (2023-current), (PI: Frankowska, N.; Co-investigators: Szymków, A. & Tołopiło, A.) financed by funds allocated to USWPS as part of the subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).

  • PRELUDIUM 20 Grant “Testing the signaling function of creativity in context of intersexual and intrasexual selection.”, (2021-current), (PI: Gałasińska, K.) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)