Evolutionary Lab
The main goal of the Evolutionary Psychology Lab is applying evolutionary perspectives to understanding social fenomena. Recent projects concern moderators of sexual motives in cross-sex friendships, social consequences of pathogen-avoidance motives, as well as the signaling role of women's creativity. We aim to promote evolutionary thinking by highlighting its relevance to understanding human psychology and behavior.
Andrzej Galbarczyk, Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland)
Sarka Kanková, Charles University in Prague (Prague, Czech)
Ula Marcinkowska, Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland)
Lab Head: Natalia Frankowska, PhD
Location: SWPS University in Sopot, 3.8
Currently, we work on:
IP Internal Grant “The role of behavioral immune system in shaping preferences for similarity to the ingroup members in potential mates.”, (2024-current), (PI: Tołopiło, A.; Co-investigators: Frankowska, N., Olszanowski, M., & Szymków, A.) financed by funds allocated to USWPS as part of the subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).
IP Internal Grant “The effect of mating-related and threatening situational contexts on makeup use in women.”, (2023-current), (PI: Szymków, A.; Co-investigators: Biesiadecka, M., Frankowska, N. & Gałasińska, K.) financed by funds allocated to USWPS as part of the subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).
IP Internal Grant “Behavioral Immune System and Prosocial Behaviors: the moderating role of type of help, a sign of disease, and kinship between the helper and the recipient of help in pursuing the pathogen avoidance motive.”, (2023-current), (PI: Frankowska, N.; Co-investigators: Szymków, A. & Tołopiło, A.) financed by funds allocated to USWPS as part of the subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).
PRELUDIUM 20 Grant “Testing the signaling function of creativity in context of intersexual and intrasexual selection.”, (2021-current), (PI: Gałasińska, K.) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)