Research projects
Internal Grant of the Institute of Psychology “The role of behavioral immune system in shaping preferences for similarity to the ingroup members in potential mates.”, (2024-current), (PI: Tołopiło, A.; Co-investigators: Frankowska, N., Olszanowski, M. & Szymków, A.) financed by funds allocated to USWPS as part of the subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).
PRELUDIUM 20 Grant “Testing the signaling function of creativity in context of intersexual and intrasexual selection.”, (2021-current), (PI: Gałasińska, K.) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN).
OPUS 19 Grant “Visual contact and emotional mimicry: Why do people mimic the emotions of others even though they cannot see them?”, (2020-current), (PI: Olszanowski, M.) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN).
Internal Grant of the Institute of Psychology “The effect of mating-related and threatening situational contexts on makeup use in women.”, (2023-2024), (PI: Szymków, A.; Co-investigators: Biesiadecka, M., Frankowska, N. & Gałasińska, K.) financed by funds allocated to USWPS as part of the subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).
Internal Grant of the Institute of Psychology “Behavioral Immune System and Prosocial Behaviors: the moderating role of type of help, a sign of disease, and kinship between the helper and the recipient of help in pursuing the pathogen avoidance motive.”, (2023-2024), (PI: Frankowska, N.; Co-investigators: Szymków, A. & Tołopiło, A.) financed by funds allocated to USWPS as part of the subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).
RID Grant “Social distancing as a pathogen avoidance strategy by women in the first trimester of pregnancy - the mediating role of disgust sensitivity.”, (2020-current), (PI: Frankowska, N.) financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW).
RID Grant “Rear negativity effect - physiological correlates of affective reactions to stimuli from different spatial location.“, (2019-2020), (PI: Olszanowski, M.) financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) >>see the results<<
MINIATURA Grant "The attractiveness of a regular partner and a friend as moderators of establishing sexual relations in male-female friendships.”, (2017-2018), (PI: Szymków, A.) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN) >>see the results<<
OPUS 11 Grant “Emotional mimicry in social context. The role of facial feedback and negative emotions in social judgments and interaction.”, (2016-2019), (PI: Olszanowski, M.) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN) >>see the results<<
ETIUDA 4 Grant “Embodied cognition: the spatial location of a sound source influences the emotional evaluation of the content of a message.”, (2016), (University of California, San Diego, PI: Frankowska, N.) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN) >>see the results<<
OPUS 1 Grant “The role of perceptual fluency and categorisation easiness of facial display on social judgments and evaluations.”, (2011-2014), (PI: Winkielman, P.) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN) >>see the results<<